The Asesmen Nasional Berbasis Komputer (ANBK) at ISB

ANBK is an evaluation program administered by Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud) to improve the educational quality which asseses the input process, and the output of learning and teaching in all educational units. This assesment focuses on evaluating the reading and numerical literacy level as well as the character of students.

Students in ISB participated in ANBK during 5th grade and 8th grade. They will receive Primary School Diploma (Ijazah SD) upon their 6th grade completion and Secondary School diploma (Ijazah SMP) upon their 9th grade completion. 



The ISA is an external assessment we take here in our school yearly from Victoria, Australia. The ISA assessment program is designed specifically for students in international schools in grade 3-10. It is based on the internationally endorsed reading, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy frameworks of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Although we do not use the ISA to determine our students' progression to the next grade, we feel that taking the ISA as an external assessment is beneficial for our students because:

  • It is not specific to a single curriculum.
  • It tests core skills in mathematical literacy, reading, writing and scientific literacy
  • The test material is eclectic, drawing on many cultural and natural sources
  • The assessment are designed with the knowledge that more than half of participants have first languages other than English
  • It includes writing tasks and open-ended questions to better illuminate students thinking processes
  • It provides diagnostic information that can be used at the school, class or individual level
  • It enables performance to be related to international benchmarks
  • It allows schools to evaluate the reliability if their internal assessment and confirm that they are aligned with international expectations of performance
  • It uses scaled scores that enable monitoring of student performance over time